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Answers to Polar Jokes

Answers to Polar Jokes

Q1. Lost!

Q2. Out of beakers.

Q3. Six squid.

Q4. You don't, you just run!

Q5. Because they're always in pole postion.

Q6. To the snowball.

Q7. Nothing, it just waved.

Q8. Small boy: I don't know, I'm only 13.

Q9: Mary Christmas!

Q10. Ice burgers.

Q11. An eskimo's house without conveniences.

Q12. Freeze a jolly good felow.

Q13. Flipper coin.

Q14. Ice caps.

Q15. Baked Alaska.

Q16. Igloos it together.

Q17. Arcticulated trucks.

Q18. His mackerel.

Q19. Tweetment.

Q20. Where were you on the night of 21 September to 21 March?

Q21. Because the fish fillet.

Q22. A penguin on roller skates.

Q23. A penguin who's been in the sun too long.

Q24. Fish net stockings.

Q25. You take away its credit card.

Q26. The Ice-Skate.

Q. Why don't polar bears eat penguins?
A. Because they can't get the wrapper off!

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