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Gino Watkins Memorial Fund - application form

Gino Watkins Memorial Fund - application form

The Gino Watkins Memorial Fund is a Trust raised as a memorial to H. Gino Watkins, a young explorer who lost his life in Greenland in 1932. The joint Trustees (the Royal Geographical Society and the University of Cambridge), appoint a committee whose aims, on behalf of the Trust, are to implement the Fund's objects which are:

  1. The improvement and diffusion of knowledge of the Polar Regions
  2. The promotion of the acquisition of the special knowledge necessary for the success of Polar Exploration and for the prevention of accidents and loss of life on Polar expeditions and
  3. With the view to the objects aforesaid the assistance by financial or other means of suitable Polar expeditions.

The Arctic Club Award, is given to an expedition selected from those who apply to the Gino Watkins Memorial Fund. It is given, usually annually, to a sporting rather than a scientific expedition.

The Trustees welcome applications for support from people of all backgrounds, including but not limited to school groups, scouting and guiding groups, and other youth organisations.

The Arctic Club, annually award one or two grants of up to £250 each, for training purposes only for expeditions members. These awards are not considered by the Committee of the Gino Watkins Memorial Fund. For more information please write to

Grant application procedure

  1. This form covers applications to all funds; a grant may be awarded from whichever is more applicable. Individual grants are unlikely to exceed £4,000.
  2. This form will be circulated to Committee members. You may e-mail complete brochures and other material with your application, for tabling when the Committee meets, but they must not be inserted into the application form.
  3. A proper map must be supplied. Extracts from Google Earth and computer screen grabs are not acceptable as a replacement, but may be added to supplement the application.
  4. Please ask your two named referees to e-mail their references [reference form] directly to If references are not received before the closing date of 31 January, your application will not be considered.

    If your expedition involves scientific research at least one of your referees must be competent to comment on your ability to successfully undertake the research.
  5. In assessing expeditions, the Committee will take account of the proposed locality (grants are rarely given for non-polar or populous districts), the soundness of planning and objectives, and the likelihood of success. Experience of polar travel is considered to be as worthwhile as scientific research. Expeditions that bring experience and training to young people, or those early in their career, are likely to be favoured, especially where individual initiative, outside of regular academic studies is displayed. Where a research expedition is seeking additional financial support for a particular item these applications may be considered; for such awards the expedition is encouraged to provide clarity on the difference this award will make to their expedition. In making awards the Committee will additionally take account of the financial constraints on the party and the degree of self-help.
  6. Submit the form below, by 31 January.
  7. Applications are normally considered during February. Successful applicants receive notice of their grants by early April.
  8. Please provide bank details in the event of your application being successful. Please note that, whenever possible, GWMF prefer that bank transfers are made payable to expedition accounts rather than personal accounts.

How we use your data: Data protection policy.

Application form

! We recommend you check you have all the details below to hand, before filling in the form - at present, there is no option to save and continue later.

Main details

Expedition Title:

Expedition Leader:

Expedition website (if available):

Summary of the main objects of the expedition:


Location of Expedition – nearest settlement or Lat/Long (please attach a location map - see note 3)

Expedition contact name and address for all correspondence:

Expedition mobile telephone contact number:

Expedition contact e-mail for all correspondence:



Departure and return dates:

Number of weeks in field:


Total Number of members:

Number of scientists:

Number of members under 18:

Number of mountaineers:

Number of other personnel:

Number of assistants:


Total estimated cost:

Travel to area:


Other travel costs:

Field equipment:

Scientific equipment:





Report preparation and publication:



Total grant income raised to date:

Other grant making bodies approached:

Contribution to costs by expedition members (show total and cost per member):

Other funds raised:


Whom have you consulted about your plans?

Is political or other permission required and if so has an application been made for a permit?

Bank details

Please provide bank account details for the account to receive the grant.

Account Name:

Account Number:

Sort Code:



Leader's address:

UK contact name during expedition (if known):

Leader's e-mail:

UK contact e-mail during expedition (if known):

Leader's mobile telephone and direct line:

UK contact mobile telephone and direct line (if known):


First referee name:

Second referee name:

First referee address:

Second referee address:

First referee contact phone number:

Second referee contact phone number:

First referee contact e-mail:

Second referee contact e-mail:

Expedition information

Expedition member experience, qualifications and ages:

Summary account of proposed objectives (a detailed expedition plan with maps can also be submitted):

Outline of logistic plan and operational methods:

Safety: State what plans and experience you have to cope in the event of an accident or illness during your expedition:

Risk assessment: Please confirm that a risk assessment, preferably by a third party, of the proposed expedition has taken place, in line with the measures outlined in BS 8848, the British Standard for organising and managing visits, fieldwork, expeditions and adventurous activities outside the UK. If reference has not been made to BS 8848, please confirm that all the necessary health and safety measures comprised in a proper risk assessment have been considered as part and parcel of the preparations for the expedition. Please attach your risk assessment as a file after the text box below.

Environmental Impact: please outline any significant environmental, social and cultural impacts that your expedition might have, and give details of the strategies that you will adopt to minimise and mitigate these:

For expeditions with a significant scientific focus:

  • What are the objectives of your scientific research? (maximum 100 words).
  • Describe the field research work to be done, paying special attention to methodology, and the novelty/new knowledge to be generated from the expedition. If more than one project is to be carried out, explain how different projects relate to each other (maximum 250 words).
  • Please indicate the scientific outputs (contribution to theses, journal articles, conference or other presentations, online reports for example) intended to result from the work, and the plan for delivering these.


I confirm that I have undertaken a full safety risk assessment of the activities of the proposed expedition.

Signature of leader (print name):


* Items marked with an asterisk [*] are required fields and must be fully completed.